Skills for Event Makers

Experience Design Training

Shape Unforgettable Experiences that Drive Attendance and Lasting Loyalty

Westwerk Events offers a brand-new training for creators of conferences and business events. Through an interactive learning journey, we equip you and your team with know-how and tools that will elevate the experience for all attendees and the success of your event.


Improve the attendee experience — from first contact to exit


Learn about design-thinking, discover new oppertunities to increase satisfaction among guests & exhibitors


Create unique selling-points for your event


Enhance your event communication for more attention and conversion

What you will get out of this module

The Event Experience Design Workshop consists of a powerful and interactive workshop day for your team, where you not only learn about event experience principles, but will work hands-on with your own events in order to practice ideation and creating powerful attendee journeys. After this course you will be able to develop activities that will leave a bold impression on your attendees and have gained a solid understanding of how to focus on attendee (or exhibitor) journeys, rather than on static programs and agendas - allowing you and your crew to design events on an entirely different level.

You will learn how to:

  • apply best practices to create unique event experiences
  • create immersive attendee journeys from start to finish
  • build unique and interactive event activities that will make your event stand out from the crowd
  • improve attendee satisfaction and feedback by focusing on the guest/user experience, rather than on “talks” or “speakers”
  • use UX Writing techniques and principles to improve event communication, conversion and guest engagement

In-House or Off-Site

The workshop can we held at your company’s premises or off-site, combining it with a fun team-experience

  • 1 Full Day for all your Event Team Members
  • In-house (your premises) or off-site
  • from 30.000 DKK | 4.000 EUR

You will be able to implement many of the learnings already for your next event, even if the preparations have already begun.